How to Deal with Relationship Conflict

One thing we all have in common in life is that we have to navigate relationships. And we’ve all been there! Where we find ourselves bumping heads, stepping on toes, and feeling hurt by people we love.

Join me for this week’s message if you sometimes clash with someone you love and want a more peaceful relationship.

I have good news!

Jesus gives us a step-by-step pathway to deal with relationship conflict!


P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep them going. Every bit really helps!


Stepping Out of Fear

Fears can paralyze our lives. Fear can stop us in our tracks like a deer in headlights. Fear can cripple us from experiencing God’s very best.

If you have ever been stuck in life because of fear, please join me for this week’s message.

Today, I want to empower you to step out of fear and step into God’s purpose!


P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep them going. Every bit really helps!


How to Navigate your Life

As I have said before, every heartbeat is a gift. Every breath is a blessing. The question we have to answer is, “Am I good at living the life that has been given to me?”

If you ever struggle to appreciate the present moment or get stuck in the “small stuff”, you’re not alone. This week’s message will help.

Sometimes we make it too complicated and overthink it.

Let’s really narrow it down on how to navigate your life.


P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep them going. Every bit really helps!


Dealing with Difficult People

We are all faced with the challenge of having to deal with difficult people. It could be an angry boss, a rude customer, a codependent friend, a nosy neighbor, or an overbearing relative.

If you have ever wished for a better way to deal with people like this, God gives very specific advice on what to do. Please join me for this week’s message – it will help.

You are not alone!

God clearly shows us in His word on how to deal!

Check it out.


P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep them going. Every bit really helps!


The Anxiety-free Life

We all have anxious thoughts and deal with anxiety. Welcome to the human race! But there’s good news; God in His kindness and wisdom gives us His word on how to live an anxiety-free life.

If you sometimes struggle with anxiety, this week’s message is for you. Please join me.

We just need to put it into practice.

Let’s give it a shot!


P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep them going. Every bit really helps!


Finding the Gold in Difficult Situations

When we are going through difficult times, it is very easy to feel exposed and unprotected.

If you’re going through a tough time right now (or have recently), this week’s message will help.

If we look a little closer and search a little deeper – and learn how to ask for God’s help – we can find the good within the challenging circumstances we are in.

And maybe find the gold in our difficult situations.


P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep them going. Every bit really helps!