Feb 11, 2024 | Messages
God has a plan for you. And he invites us to come to him, pray to him, and get that plan.
Join me this week in discovering God’s plan for your life.
Then we’re empowered to pursue our passion and purpose with all our heart!
If you need a jolt to pursue your passion , take a listen.
P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.
Feb 4, 2024 | Messages
We’ve all blown it. We’ve all made mistakes. No one bats a 1000. And maybe you wonder if God has given up on you.
Join me for this week’s message if you’ve ever felt like you really messed things up.
What you need to know is that he is the God of second chances.
And quite frankly, the God of 5th, 27th, 144th, 326th chances, and so on and so on and so on.
Let’s take a look at our hearts and the heart of God!
P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.
Jan 28, 2024 | Messages
It’s so true in life that the seeds we plant produce the fruit in our life! So, it’s important to be planting the right seeds.
Listen to this week’s message to learn what kind of seeds God asks us to plant in our lives.
And what’s interesting is that we get a bigger harvest than the seeds that we plant.
This is a Spiritual principle throughout the Bible.
Do you want to make your life better?
Take a listen!
P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.
Jan 21, 2024 | Messages
We all find ourselves from time to time in what I like to call “seasons of intensity.”
If life has been rough for you recently, please join me for this week’s message.
Jesus warned us that we would have trouble in this world.
It’s important that we recognize “tough times” are just a season, a period of time.
If you or a loved one is going through a tough time, take a listen!
P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.
Jan 14, 2024 | Messages
Let me ask you a question. What are you thinking about and why does it matter? Our thoughts have the power to shape the way we perceive ourselves and influence how we interact with others.
What if you could get rid of negative thoughts? Join me for this week’s message to see what the bible says about this.
Throughout the Bible we see verse after verse, reminding us of the importance of our thoughts, and why we need to allow the Holy Spirit to renew our minds.
Let’s go there, let’s free our minds of the bad stuff!
P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.
Jan 7, 2024 | Messages
There are so many things in life that come at us. And in our human frailty, we can feel overwhelmed.
If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, join me this week to hear what God says about dealing with it.
God has promises that will help us not feel overwhelmed, and feel safe and secure.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or have a sense of anxiety, let’s dive into this message!
P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.