Guard Your Heart

God says that every issue of life flows from your heart. He says that everything you do in life is coming from your heart.

This is why He lovingly tells us to guard our hearts!

In this week’s message, we will go deep into the heart of the matter!


BTW, If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

Guard Your Mind!

There is a phrase in computer science that says, “Garbage in – Garbage out.” The same is true with our minds.

Listen to today’s message to learn how God give us a secret power to guard our minds from negative thoughts.

If we focus on negative thoughts, bad thoughts, shameful thoughts, fearful thoughts, angry thoughts, we get all those negative things in our lives.

But God gives us the secret and the power of how to guard our minds, because it’s also true “Good things in – Good things out!”


BTW, If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

This too shall pass

You have heard the phrase, “This too shall pass.” Perhaps you were – or are – going through a challenging time, and someone tried encouraging you with those words.

Listen to hear how God guides us to apply this idea in The Bible.

The Bible describes this idea in different ways, and helps it make sense in different parts of our life.

The Bible talks about seasons, and seasons have a start and finish.

If you’re enduring a trial, you need to know “This too shall pass” and God’s got you in the palm of his hand.


BTW, If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

This is a test. Only a test.

The Bible says “when” you and I have trials, not “if”. We will have trials.

Click to hear today’s message on how God empowers us to deal with life’s hard stuff.

The Bible also tells us that those trials come in many different shapes and sizes.

The game changer is when we understand that those trials that we face are a test.

Find out today what God says to do when you’re facing a trial!

Like I said before, Life is happening FOR us, not to us.


BTW, If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

The setback is a setup for the comeback!

We all experience setbacks in life. There can be physical health setbacks, relational heartbreaks, or even financial setbacks.

Join me today to understand how God uses these challenges for our benefit.

And it is in those moments that it will take faith. We have to understand that God is working in the unseen. I want you to know today that your setback is a setup for your comeback!


BTW, If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

God says “Don’t give up!”

There are things that God has called you to. And there are times when we want to walk away and throw in the towel.

If you’ve ever felt ready to give up, listen to today’s message – It will help.

But God’s Word to you is, “Don’t give up!” Let’s learn to better understand God’s timing and the reward that awaits!


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.