Nov 19, 2023 | Messages
There are many paths to take in life. Yet there are three paths that people seem to choose from.
The path of shame, the path of worry, and the path of faith.
Join me this week to discover what path you are on (and also how to change it).
What I can guarantee you is you are on one of those paths.
Two of the paths get you stuck in life.
However, one path brings in the greatest possibilities. Let’s discover how to get you on the right path!
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Nov 12, 2023 | Messages
Jesus warned us that while living life out on earth we would have trials, tribulations, and sorrow.
Join me for this week’s message on how to handle trials.
He tips us off about what life will have this side of eternity, but he also offers great hope in the midst of whatever we’re walking through.
Let’s find out what God says about handling trials!”
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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Nov 5, 2023 | Messages
Life is so filled with choices. Day in and day out, we come to a crossroads, where we have to decide to do the right thing, or not.
Join me for this week’s message on following God’s guidance for hard choices.
What we need to discover is that it really does pay to do the right thing.
Let’s find out what God’s heart is on why we need to do the right thing… even when it’s hard!
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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Oct 29, 2023 | Messages
When someone starts a cross-country race, they can’t see the finish line when they take the first step from the starting line.
When someone is climbing a new mountain, they don’t know what the mountaintop looks like when they take the first step to the climb.
Listen to learn how to reach BIG goals when you feel far from the finish line.
When you pursue a God sized dream, you may not know how to get there or what it fully looks like.
But the first thing you have to do is just take the next step!
Join me for learning what God says about taking this step.
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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Oct 22, 2023 | Messages
Isn’t it true that any relationship can go bad in a hot second? We say the wrong thing, we do the wrong thing and sparks are flying!
God has some very interesting insight on dealing with this – Listen this week to learn more.
God has truth that works in any kind of relationship, whether it’s a romantic relationship, a friendship, or with a family member – God’s plan works!
Let’s discover God’s keys to healthy relationships.
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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Oct 15, 2023 | Messages
We’ve heard that phrase before, “everything will be okay.” However, there’s something in us that kicks back and says, “But will it be okay?”
Join me this week to hear how God responds to this.
We certainly all have a lot of question marks in our lives, but God answers the question, “Why is it going to be okay?!”
Let’s discover that everything will be okay.
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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