Oct 8, 2023 | Messages
Let’s be honest, forgiving people who have hurt us, is possibly one of the most challenging things to do in life.
Join me for this week’s message on how we can feel better by forgiving, even when it’s hard or seems undeserved.
But when we do forgive people, our life is so much better!
Sadly, unforgiveness leads to bitterness and bitterness is like cancer to the soul.
You can’t see it but it’s eating you away.
So let’s boldly go where most people don’t go, and grab a hold of God’s word on forgiving others. You’ll be so glad you did!
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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Oct 1, 2023 | Messages
Let’s be honest, forgiving people who have hurt us, is possibly one of the most challenging things to do in life.
Join me for this week’s message on how we can feel better by forgiving, even when it’s hard or seems undeserved.
But when we do forgive people, our life is so much better!
Sadly, unforgiveness leads to bitterness and bitterness is like cancer to the soul.
You can’t see it but it’s eating you away.
So let’s boldly go where most people don’t go, and grab a hold of God’s word on forgiving others. You’ll be so glad you did!
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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Sep 24, 2023 | Messages
We’ve all blown it. We’ve all made mistakes. We all have regrets. And because of that, there are so many of us who can’t forgive ourselves.
Join me for this week’s message on how to feel God’s forgiveness.
Holding on to guilt or regret is tragic, as it will keep you stuck.
Let’s find out how God, not only empowers us, but also calls us to experience forgiveness!
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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Sep 17, 2023 | Messages
We certainly live in uncertain times. Truth be known, we really don’t know what tomorrow holds.
If you’ve ever felt unsure about making a decision or moving forward, join me for this week’s message.
When things are uncertain, unpredictable, or unreliable, it can make us really apprehensive about moving forward.
Let’s discover together what God says about dealing with uncertainty.
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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Sep 10, 2023 | Messages
Every gift that you have is from God. However, you may not know what all your gifts are.
Join me and discover your God-Given gift.
God has a unique way to shape you and empower you to do great things and to live out your purpose by giving you gifts.
Let’s figure out what your God-given gift is!
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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Sep 3, 2023 | Messages
Each one of us has a dream in our heart. Probably multiple dreams. Did you know that God wants to have you see your dreams come true?
Please join me to learn how God will help you with your dreams.
God has a plan for you and wants you to be hopeful, and know that your future dream is in his hands.
Let’s find out what God has to say about seeing your dreams come true!
P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going:
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