You are a blessing in this world

Throughout history, God has a recognizable pattern. He takes each person and brings them to a place for a people with a plan and a purpose.

Click to learn how to discover God’s role and purpose for you in your life.

God wants to empower you to understand that you are a blessing in this world!

God says, “I will bless you… And you will be a blessing!”


P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going.

Good News!

We live in a world that has a massive amount of bad news. Everywhere we turn, listen to, read, watch, there is so much negative, bad news.

But good news is all around us too.

Listen to learn how to appreciate and feel the good in your life, regardless of the negative.

God wants to bring joy to your life by reminding you of His good news.

Join me this week to experience the good news in everyday life.


P.S. If these weekly messages are helpful to you, please consider clicking the link and making a small donation to help me keep these going.

Having faith when things are hard

God gives us the definition of faith. He says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

If life is hard right now and you need God’s help, listen to today’s message.

Honestly, when we’re going through a hard time, it’s hard to be sure and certain of anything.

But that is where faith needs to kick in!

And our starting point has to be that we know that we know that we know the Lord is good.

Discover the power of faith when things are hard!


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

Yes, you DO matter!

So many times in the ups and downs of life, we can feel lonely, discouraged, and without purpose.

Listen to learn how to see God’s presence in your life every single day.

The truth is God made you on purpose for a purpose!

And you matter more to God than you could ever imagine.


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

When you’re feeling lost

Perhaps you’re feeling lost in a relationship. Perhaps you’re feeling lost in your career. Or maybe you’re feeling lost with your life’s purpose.

Listen to today’s message to learn how to discover God’s plan for your life direction.

One thing you need to know is even though you’re feeling lost, God already has a plan! And when you’re feeling lost, you need three things.

Find out what those three things are.


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.

When life feels like it’s too much to handle

There are so many times in life, where we feel like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders.

Listen to today’s message for guidance in what to do when you feel like it’s all too much to handle.

It can be our own personal issues happening, or even a loved one who is not doing well and it breaks our heart.

What do you do when life feels like it’s too much to handle?

Get ready, God’s comfort is on the way!


P.S. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this message, please pass it along to them.