Feb 5, 2023 | Messages
Scripture says that our faith will be tested. There’s no way around it. There are no exceptions. Each one of us will have our faith tested.
Usually that comes through challenges, problems, and fires that we face.
God shows us how to get through the fire by faith and into freedom!
Jan 29, 2023 | Messages
Fear can be so crippling in our lives. We have to have a strategy to fight back.
We have to know how God wants us to move past being afraid and to fight off the fears that attempt to paralyze us.
Get ready to be strong and courageous, we’re overcoming our fears!
Jan 22, 2023 | Messages
There are so many things that can get entangled in our life and hold us back. Things that we must let go of.
For example, our problems, challenges, anxiety, fear, even difficult people.
The key is to let go and let God. Let go of the things that are holding us back, and letting God take control!
Let’s discover how to let go, and let God!
Jan 15, 2023 | Messages
Did you know that the enemy of your soul has a target. And that target in fact is your mind.
Click to learn to learn how to destroy negative thoughts.
And so his strategy, his weapon, is to use lies. So what we have to do is fill our minds with what God says!
Get ready to replace negative thoughts with “God” thoughts.
You’ll never be the same!”
Jan 8, 2023 | Messages
Life serves up disappointments all the time. But what I have discovered is that God has a redeeming purpose in every pain.
And God can powerfully use the disappointments in our lives for something greater because he loves us so much.
But we have to see God’s appointment in the disappointment!
Jan 1, 2023 | Messages
Do you know the power of your words? All throughout scripture God’s word speaks of how powerful our words are!
It’s very clear and important to God that we know what we say creates the life we have – good or bad.
Let’s kick off the new year and create a great reality with the words we use!