Dec 25, 2022 | Messages
God’s word says that he has a wonderful plan for your life. He wants you to live a magnificent life.
Click to learn how God guides us to create your ideal life..
And so the starting point is in fact God himself. The starting point is always going to be the Lord and everything else flows from there.
Let’s follow His magnificent wisdom and make our lives magnificent!
Dec 18, 2022 | Messages
Gratitude opens up the possibility for incredible blessings! There’s a beautiful cycle in giving God thanks.
Here’s how it works: The more we thank Him, the more we see Him working in us and around us. Saying thanks to God helps us sense God’s presence, His personal care, and understanding His perfect timing.
Get ready for great things to happen in your life as you say “thanks” to God!”
Dec 11, 2022 | Messages
It’s true that we don’t wake up every day full of joy and happiness. Yet Jesus says he wants you to experience complete joy to the full.
So how do we do that? How do we be happy even when we don’t feel it?
God gives us a plan in his word that you can follow and it will lead you to Joy!
Dec 4, 2022 | Messages
For so many of us, we have difficulties and challenges that we struggle with each day. They leave us frustrated, overwhelmed and anxious. But, what if we viewed those challenges as gifts?
What if we really believed that everything that comes at us is an opportunity to grow and learn from God? In this podcast we are going to discover that life is happening for us, not to us.
Nov 27, 2022 | Messages
Have you ever been stuck before, where life feels like you’re just spinning your wheels over and over again and getting nowhere? The temptation is to check out and just live life on auto pilot.
What I have discovered is that creating an intentional life requires that we stop responding by emotion and start walking in the truth.
In today’s podcast we will learn that there needs to be action on our part, yet knowing the finish line is God’s part in his good timing.
Nov 20, 2022 | Messages
Relationships can be challenging on all fronts.
However, I have learned that the things that matter most to us typically require really hard work.
In today’s podcast you are going to discover how to love and honor the most important people in your life, and that will lead to beautiful and healthy relationships!”