Oct 2, 2022 | Messages
There are so many seasons in life. There are times when we’re happy, and times when we’re sad. There are times where we have a real passion for life, and times when we feel like we’re just on the treadmill of life.
In today’s podcast we are going to learn how to ignite our passion!
Know this, purpose leads to passion and passion leads to purpose!
I want to encourage you that you can get your passion for life back!
Sep 25, 2022 | Messages
God says “Be very careful”. (it’s found in Ephesians 5:15) Who you spend time with makes a HUGE difference.
I want to challenge you with five questions so that God can grab a hold of your heart and …where you are in life!
God is for you, however, it makes a difference who we are hanging out with!
Sep 20, 2022 | Messages
Life can be challenging. No question about it. We sometimes hear that God has a purpose for us in all challenges – not that he causes them, but that he uses them for our good.
What if you had a method for figuring out God’s purpose in some of life’s challenges?
Watch today’s video to learn how to use Facts, Impacts and Tracks to understand God’s divine plan for you.
Sep 18, 2022 | Messages
We’ve all blown it. We’ve all tripped up. We’ve all made mistakes.
Some are little mistakes and some are massive mistakes. But God has the power to turn our mistakes into miracles!
Just like Joseph in the Bible, God takes us from the pit to the palace!
If you have ever made a mistake, this message is for you!
Sep 11, 2022 | Messages
We have all been hurt. We have little hurts and we have huge hurts.
However God can give us the power to let go of the little and big hurts.
He can empower us to let go of anger and bitterness like we never have dreamed of or thought possible!
He really can give us the strength and ability to set us free from the prison of anger and bitterness!
If you’re ready, let’s get going toward finding new freedom in your life.
Aug 28, 2022 | Messages
Last week we talked about having positive thoughts! But how about us getting rid of negative thoughts?
What does God say about getting rid of the negative thoughts that bombard our minds?
Get ready because we are going to go on a journey of progression through God’s word that will lead us to getting rid of the negative thoughts that prevent God’s best for our lives!