The Secret to Praying so God Hears You

Please join me for this week’s message on how to pray by faith. We probably all have been there, when we feel like our prayers are bouncing off the ceiling back at us. We’re wondering if God is even listening. We seem to not be getting our answer, so what do we do? Today we are going to discover how to pray in a way that God hears your prayers. Remembering that faith is being sure of what you know and certain of what you do not see.

Worried about the future?

Most of us wonder about the future.

Where will I be?  What will I do?  How will I get there?

What if you could trust God with your future and just focus on today?

Please join me for this week’s message on how to live day-to-day in a way that lessens the burden of tomorrow’s worries.

How to walk with God

Ever wish you felt God was closer to you?

Today we’ll learn God’s secret about how He wants us to “Walk with Him.”

If you’ve wondered how exactly God wants us to live the life that He calls us to, then today’s message is for you.

Sometimes it’s hard to know how exactly to do this in daily life.

Please join me for this week’s message on how to do just this.

What was I thinking?

We’ve all been there, we’ve all done dumb things. Today’s podcast is about God’s secret to avoiding these mistakes.

We have all said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing, and it didn’t turn out good.  What if we knew God’s secret on doing smart things. What does he say is smart?

There’s a secret found in his word that describes two kinds of wisdom.

In today’s message you’ll discover what those two kinds of wisdom are, and how to use them to make your life happier.