Jul 10, 2022 | Messages
Have you ever felt alone? Are you feeling lonely right now?
I know I have had seasons of feeling extremely lonely.
Guess what?
Even Jesus had massive moments of loneliness.
He was rejected by those closest to him, and in his most distressed moment before being taken away to be crucified, his disciples fell asleep!
Now Jesus not only knows how you feel, but has the solution for your loneliness!
Jul 3, 2022 | Messages
We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all blown it. And sometimes it is so difficult to forgive ourselves.
Have you ever been just unable to forgive yourself for a mistake?
Learn how God will help you get past something you can’t forgive yourself for.
In this podcast we are going to learn the powerful truth that forgiving ourselves ultimately comes from understanding God’s forgiveness.
Get ready for a new life where you can forgive yourself!
Jun 26, 2022 | Messages
We all have experienced scary moments, be it an accident, a bad medical report, or an unexpected tragic phone call.
In these moments we can go down the path of fear or the path of faith.
God has so many promises in his word for you that will empower you to let go of fear. (And it’s NOT what most people will tell you.)
The truth is, you don’t have to be afraid anymore!
Jun 19, 2022 | Messages
Most of us wonder about the future.
Where will I be? What will I do? How will I get there?
What if you could trust God with your future and just focus on today?
Please join me for this week’s message on how to live day-to-day in a way that lessens the burden of tomorrow’s worries.
Jun 12, 2022 | Messages
Every one of us experiences loneliness. And in those moments it’s difficult to know where to turn.
And typically fear also accompanies loneliness.
But, there’s great news, you are not alone!
In this podcast you will be reminded that God is always with you!
Always, always, always!
Jun 6, 2022 | Messages
It is not a matter of IF life will get hard, it is a matter of WHEN life gets hard.
Every human being experiences difficult times and that becomes the challenge to keep our faith strong.
In this podcast “Keeping Faith When Life Gets Hard” we are going to discover a guiding principle of how to live by faith and not by sight!
Get ready for your faith to rise!”