May 29, 2022 | Messages
We’ve all been there! We’ve all had bad days and even horrible days.
Click to learn how God tells us to deal with a bad day.
And sometimes it seems like those days add up.
Someone asked me A great question, “How do I feel peaceful on a bad day?”
I’ve got really great news, Jesus has the answer!
Get ready to start feeling peaceful again as we dive deep into God’s truth!
May 22, 2022 | Messages
We have all been there, feelings of anxiety and battling anxious thoughts.
Today we’ll learn how God tells us to overcome anxiety.
What we have to understand is that God gets us.
He knows us through and through. He knows what we struggle with. He really gets us.
And He gives us a beautiful pathway to move out of anxiety and into the peace of God!
May 16, 2022 | Messages
If you’re looking for the Message on “Overcoming Anger and Bitterness with God’s Power?” Click Here.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by life? Like there’s just SO much weight on you and you can’t deal with it all?
Fortunately, there is a solution.
Every human being on the face of the earth throughout the history of mankind has experienced feeling overwhelmed.
Every man and woman in the Bible experienced at some point in their lives feeling overwhelmed. Today we are going to dive deep so that we can rise high!
God has called you to be an Overcomer and to overcome overwhelm!
May 8, 2022 | Messages
You may have heard about the armor of God and wondered, ‘what does that actually mean?’ God tells us very clearly on how to protect our lives by putting on his armor. Get ready to get it this time and live a victorious life!
Once we reach God’s goal for us, then we can move on.
In this week’s message we will learn and be empowered how to do this!
Apr 30, 2022 | Messages
Did you know that God allows us to go through certain challenges, struggles, and problems SO THAT We can in turn help other people who are going through the same circumstances!
The reality is God comforts us so we can comfort others.
Once we reach God’s goal for us, then we can move on.
In this week’s message we will learn and be empowered how to do this!
Apr 24, 2022 | Messages
A lot of people talk about gaining prosperity…But, what does God say about it? In today’s message you’re going to discover how God wants you to thrive and flourish in all areas of your life!
And God gives us the path and keys to prosper! The word “prosper” shows up 84 times in the Bible, so it must be important to God. Get ready to learn what God wants us to know about being prosperous.