Apr 17, 2022 | Messages
History was cracked in two when Jesus stepped into our world. He lived, he died, and he rose from the dead.
And he offers eternal life to all! Because Jesus has risen, you and I can rise too! Let’s RISE!!!!
Apr 10, 2022 | Messages
Does God want you to be happy? The answer in fact is Yes, But… God actually cares more about who you and I are becoming. The wonderful byproduct of doing life his way is joy, blessings, or in the words of Jesus, “Supremely Happy”. Discover in this week’s message the path Jesus lays out for you to experience ultimate happiness.
Apr 3, 2022 | Messages
Every person deep down inside desires to be happy. We wonder if that’s OK to want to be happy. We even ask the question, “Does God want me to be happy?”
The simple answer is “YES!” Jesus lays out a path of happiness, however it is very different than what you might hear in the everyday world. Today we’re going to learn what Jesus guides us to do. Get ready to get on the path of being supremely happy!
Mar 27, 2022 | Messages
I’ll never forget when my dad popped his head into my bedroom when I was in junior high and said the words, “don’t ever worry about things you don’t have control over.” That sounded so amazing and has helped me throughout my life. But how do you do it? God gives us a clear path in his word of how to let go of control! Ready or not – it’s time to let go!
Mar 20, 2022 | Messages
We all have certain people in our lives that are challenging, to day the least. What does God say about dealing with difficult people? In today’s podcast we are going to discover the path that God calls us to when difficult people come into our lives. The reality is, we need divine assistance!
Mar 13, 2022 | Messages
There are so many things in life that we can be afraid of.
Fear can be daunting and discouragement can bring us down. However God has a plan to help us to face our fears and step into his greater plan and purpose.
Today we are going to face our fears and overcome them!