Mar 6, 2022 | Messages
Every single one of us deals with anxiety at some level. Something is happening in our life and we have anxious thoughts about it. Did you know that God’s word, from the Old Testament to the New Testament, is filled with incredible encouragement on how to relieve you from anxiety?! Listen today on what God has to say about calming an anxious mind.
Feb 27, 2022 | Messages
We all face many challenges of different kinds. But to each one of us, they are very real and personal. Is there a way of letting God handle your challenges, your problems, and even your battles? Today you’re going to find out that you’re not even the one that is supposed to fight your battle! God is.
Feb 20, 2022 | Messages
We’re starting a brand new series called “letting go “. We’re really going to take a deep look at things that are holding us back, keeping us from God’s best, and discover how to be empowered to let go! We all have problems unique to our life. And in today’s podcast we’re going to invite God to solve our problems!
Feb 13, 2022 | Messages
Please join me for this week’s message on how to pray by faith. We probably all have been there, when we feel like our prayers are bouncing off the ceiling back at us. We’re wondering if God is even listening. We seem to not be getting our answer, so what do we do? Today we are going to discover how to pray in a way that God hears your prayers. Remembering that faith is being sure of what you know and certain of what you do not see.
Feb 7, 2022 | Messages
Please join me for this week’s message on how to live day-to-day in a way that lessens the burden of tomorrow’s worries.
Jan 30, 2022 | Messages
Most of us wonder about the future.
Where will I be? What will I do? How will I get there?
What if you could trust God with your future and just focus on today?
Please join me for this week’s message on how to live day-to-day in a way that lessens the burden of tomorrow’s worries.