Jan 23, 2022 | Messages
Ever wish you felt God was closer to you?
Today we’ll learn God’s secret about how He wants us to “Walk with Him.”
If you’ve wondered how exactly God wants us to live the life that He calls us to, then today’s message is for you.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how exactly to do this in daily life.
Please join me for this week’s message on how to do just this.
Jan 16, 2022 | Messages
We’ve all been there, we’ve all done dumb things. Today’s podcast is about God’s secret to avoiding these mistakes.
We have all said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing, and it didn’t turn out good. What if we knew God’s secret on doing smart things. What does he say is smart?
There’s a secret found in his word that describes two kinds of wisdom.
In today’s message you’ll discover what those two kinds of wisdom are, and how to use them to make your life happier.
Jan 10, 2022 | Messages
Our words have an unseen power to shape our lives. This week’s message on how to use this special power. We’ve been talking about the secrets that God has shared with us. Our words have the power to not only affect other people, but change the way we feel too. What we think is one thing, but when we put thoughts into words, they begin to create action in our lives and the lives of others – whether we want them to or not. God has given secret power to words. In this week’s message, you’ll learn about that power and how you can use it in your life.
Dec 26, 2021 | Messages
Merry Christmas friends! I’ve made a special Christmas video for you. I hope you enjoy it!
Dec 19, 2021 | Messages
One thing about faith is it can grow and it can shrink back. It can get cold and it can get on fire. In today’s podcast we are going to dive into some great secrets found in God’s word that’s going to ignite our faith! So fasten your seatbelt and get ready for your faith to get on fire!
Dec 12, 2021 | Messages
Part four of the series “What if I believed God’s secret”? Let’s be honest, who doesn’t want mercy? We all desperately need mercy from God, and it’s wonderful when we get mercy from people! Mercy simply means, “not getting what I do deserve.” Never forget that God says, “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” Wow, that is great news!