How to Listen and Follow Through
We’ve all been in intense conversations. We’ve all wanted to listen, but it is such a huge challenge when we want to say our part. Find out God’s secret on how to listen, and then actually follow through!
Dec 5, 2021 | Messages
We’ve all been in intense conversations. We’ve all wanted to listen, but it is such a huge challenge when we want to say our part. Find out God’s secret on how to listen, and then actually follow through!
Nov 28, 2021 | Messages
We all have battles in life. Challenges that we are facing. But the one battle that will never go away this side of eternity is the battle of temptation. Get ready today to know God’s secret on how to win the temptation battle. Are you ready to rumble?!
Nov 21, 2021 | Messages
Imagine the bible had secret wisdom for you within its pages. Have you ever read a good book or article, then read it again and gotten new things out of it that you missed before?
Today, I want to share with you about some of the secret wisdom God has for you during challenging times. What’s more is that we sometimes hear some wisdom or principle from the bible and think “That sounds great!” But inside aren’t sure it will really work for us. What if you believed without any doubt that it would really work for you? How would you live your life differently? How much more peaceful would you feel? Today’s message shares how to do this in your life.
Nov 14, 2021 | Messages
Imagine what life would be like when you see the goodness of God on the other side of the tragedy you experienced. Something good is waiting for you. It’s God’s promise to you. Being brave will lead you to healing; healing will lead you to deliverance; and deliverance will lead you to triumph. In this podcast, our final part of “imagine something good is on the other side,” we will be trained on how to move from your tragedy to your triumph!
Nov 7, 2021 | Messages
Unmet expectations… dashed dreams… unbelievable disappointment… and the list can go on. Disappointments can get us stuck. When we are stuck it can lead us down paths of discouragement, disillusionment, and even depression. David of the old testament knew this well and wrote a song to God, “the Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.” he experienced “deliverance!” in this podcast part 3 of “imagine something good is on the other side,” we will learn a simple way to move from your disappointment to your deliverance!
Nov 3, 2021 | Messages
Life is filled with hurts. No one is exempt. You have probably heard the saying, “hurt people hurt people.” It’s true. However, God doesn’t want you to live life as a hurt human being. Yes, we get hurt, yet healing is on the other side. God is the healer and has a plan to heal your hurts. In this podcast part 2 of “imagine something good is on the other side,” we will see from God’s word how to move from your hurt to your healing!